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Today we have Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba sharing a very encouraging quote.

If you don’t know what Alibaba is, do me a favor a look it up. Basically its where you can find Chinese bulk product manufactures and purchase cheap products from china (little more complexity than that). This was the break through for Jack as he was an entrepreneur with many fails and even denied many jobs including working at KFC.

I like Jack Ma, because I find sincerity in his message, he really keeps the “difficulty of life” as real as it is.

What It Means

Young People: How hard are you going right now? That’s first, and this quote is directed to the people that are hustling, and not stagnant just sitting there playing Xbox One all day hoping for a bright successful future. This is for us that are on our toes, trying to figure shit out because we have no guidance, have already failed a few times, dream big, have anxiety, loose sleep by constantly thinking, even suffer and have dark moments. At the end we pick ourselves up and realize that we really do want it, and will keep going no matter what.

But how do you know its working: This came to me right now as I’m typing away. Who are you becoming? Are you working your ass off? Are you hungry for growing? Where is your thinking at right now? Something we can all do is take a moment, think about who you were a few months ago, or, one, three years ago. Have you changed to the better? Do you feel more prepared now? That’s how you know its working.

The pain now will guide you towards the sunshine, but the process is difficult, as discouraging that it can sometimes be if you want it, get there.

If you have time watch this amazing interview.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I really hope some of this stuff is of value to you. Ultimately, I just hope that what I share can spark new ideas in you and others. As I get older, I’m happy that I’ve become the person I always needed as a kid. I’m grateful to the difficulties I’ve had in my life because at least I can teach my daughters, and other young people the valuable lessons life for all of us.

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